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Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Indonesia & Malaysia

Urutan peringkat kekuatan Militer dunia 2012
Juli 2012


Compare Countries Results

Map of Indonesia
Map ofMalaysia
Total Population 245,613,043 28,728,607
Military Manpower Available 129,075,188 14,817,517
Fit for Military Service 107,538,660 12,422,580
Reaching Military Age Yearly 4,455,159 519,280
Active Military Personnel 438,410 124,000
Active Military Reserves 400,000 640,199
Total Aircraft 510 258
Total Land-Based Weapons 1,577 2,465
Total Naval Units 136 65
Towed Artillery 59 54
Merchant Marine Strength 1,244 321
Major Ports and Terminals 9 5
Aircraft Carriers 0 0
Destroyers 0 0
Frigates 6 4
Submarines 2 2
Patrol Coastal Craft 31 37
Mine Warfare Craft 12 4
Amphibious Operations Craft 8 1
Defense Budget / Expenditure $4,740,000,000 $3,500,000,000
Foreign Reserves $96,210,000,000 $106,500,000,000
Purchasing Power $1,030,000,000,000 $414,400,000,000
Oil Production 1,023,000 bbl 693,700 bbl
Oil Consumption 1,115,000 bbl 536,000 bbl
Proven Oil Reserves 4,050,000,000 bbl 2,900,000,000 bbl
Total Labor Force 116,500,000 12,200,000
Roadway Coverage 437,759 km 98,721 km
Railway Coverage 5,042 km 1,849 km
Waterway Coverage 21,579 km 7,200 km
Coastline Coverage 54,716 km 4,675 km
Major Serviceable Airports 684 118
Square Land Area 1,904,569 km 329,847 km

bbl = Barrel of Oil (1 bbl = 42 US Gallons or 159 litres)


Indonesia Military Strength

Indonesia Military Strength Detail by the numbers.

Record Last Updated: 6/30/2011 | Authored by Staff Writer
Map of Indonesia

 Total Population: 245,613,043 [2011]
 Available Manpower: 129,075,188 [2011]
 Fit for Service: 107,538,660 [2011]
 Of Military Age: 4,455,159 [2011]
 Active Military: 438,410 [2011]
 Active Reserve: 400,000 [2011]


 Total Land Weapons: 1,577
 Tanks: 335 [2011]
 APCs / IFVs: 691 [2011]
 Towed Artillery: 59 [2011]
 SPGs: 0 [2011]
 MLRSs: 42 [2011]
 Mortars: 350 [2011]
 AT Weapons: 100 [2011]
 AA Weapons: 100 [2011]
 Logistical Vehicles: 1,101


 Total Aircraft: 510 [2011]
 Helicopters: 168 [2011]
 Serviceable Airports: 684 [2011]


 Oil Production: 1,023,000 bbl/Day [2011]
 Oil Consumption: 1,115,000 bbl/Day [2011]
 Proven Reserves: 4,050,000,000 bbl/Day [2011]


 Labor Force: 116,500,000 [2011]
 Roadway Coverage: 437,759 km
 Railway Coverage: 5,042 km


 Defense Budget: $4,740,000,000 [2011]
 Reserves of Foreign Exchange & Gold: $96,210,000,000 [2011]
 Purchasing Power: $1,030,000,000,000 [2011]


 Waterways: 21,579 km
 Coastline: 54,716 km
 Square Land Area: 1,904,569 km
 Shared Border: 2,830 km


 Total Navy Ships: 136
 Merchant Marine Strength: 1,244 [2011]
 Major Ports & Terminals: 9
 Aircraft Carriers: 0 [2011]
 Destroyers: 0 [2011]
 Submarines: 2 [2011]
 Frigates: 6 [2011]
 Patrol Craft: 31 [2011]
 Mine Warfare Craft: 12 [2011]
 Amphibious Assault Craft: 8 [2011]





  Malaysia Military Strength

Malaysia Military Strength Detail by the numbers.

Record Last Updated: 7/9/2011 | Authored by Staff Writer
Map of Malaysia

 Total Population: 28,728,607 [2011]
 Available Manpower: 14,817,517 [2011]
 Fit for Service: 12,422,580 [2011]
 Of Military Age: 519,280 [2011]
 Active Military: 124,000 [2011]
 Active Reserve: 640,199 [2011]


 Total Land Weapons: 2,465
 Tanks: 74 [2011]
 APCs / IFVs: 977 [2011]
 Towed Artillery: 54 [2011]
 SPGs: 0 [2011]
 MLRSs: 36 [2011]
 Mortars: 200 [2011]
 AT Weapons: 1,124 [2011]
 AA Weapons: 733 [2011]
 Logistical Vehicles: 3,200


 Total Aircraft: 258 [2011]
 Helicopters: 103 [2011]
 Serviceable Airports: 118 [2011]


 Oil Production: 693,700 bbl/Day [2011]
 Oil Consumption: 536,000 bbl/Day [2011]
 Proven Reserves: 2,900,000,000 bbl/Day [2011]


 Labor Force: 12,200,000 [2011]
 Roadway Coverage: 98,721 km
 Railway Coverage: 1,849 km


 Defense Budget: $3,500,000,000 [2011]
 Reserves of Foreign Exchange & Gold: $106,500,000,000 [2011]
 Purchasing Power: $414,400,000,000 [2011]


 Waterways: 7,200 km
 Coastline: 4,675 km
 Square Land Area: 329,847 km
 Shared Border: 2,669 km


 Total Navy Ships: 65
 Merchant Marine Strength: 321 [2011]
 Major Ports & Terminals: 5
 Aircraft Carriers: 0 [2011]
 Destroyers: 0 [2011]
 Submarines: 2 [2011]
 Frigates: 4 [2011]
 Patrol Craft: 37 [2011]
 Mine Warfare Craft: 4 [2011]
 Amphibious Assault Craft: 1 [2011
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